Inspired by the activism of young people in response to growing calls for climate justice, this discussion examines the rich possibilities to more meaningfully engage with the interconnections between human and environmental health in the AC:HPE. The authors explored how the Sustainability cross-curriculum priority is articulated throughout the Health and Physical Education learning area of the Australian Curriculum (AC:HPE). Adopting an ecofeminist framework based on the work of Val Plumwood, the authors followed the current of Sustainability as it flows through the AC:HPE, to reveal the limited ways it manifests, as well as the points at which greater inclusion is possible. The authors focused on expanding definitions and interconnections in the AC policy language to resituate Sustainability in more ecological and ethical terms, and thereby activate new pedagogical possibilities for teachers and students.
CITE: Olive, R., & Enright, E. (2021). Sustainability in the Australian Health and Physical Education Curriculum: an ecofeminist analysis. Sport, Education and Society, 26(4), 389-402.
